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Jaime Wiles

4 Weeks Regular Coaching

4 Weeks Regular Coaching

Regular coaching will consist of a one hour telephone call per week and then a mid week catch up on Whatsapp messenger or text message.

To begin, schedule your initial appointment. We can then discuss a convenient scheduling plan for future sessions.
Regular price $140.00
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
4 weeks coaching

Hi, I have recently done the 4 weeks coaching with Jaime. I had already done the group coaching and had received Reiki from Jaime. I had got into some bad habits due to a health issue that I hadnt known about at the time. I had got into the habit of staying at home a lot. The coaching was 4 weeks 1 hour phone calls and a mid week text. In the first call Jaime suggested working on my mood and getting back into my regular daily walks. She suggested preferably a walk in nature such as a park, by the sea or a forest. After the first call I went for a walk through my local park. She encouraged changes. We discussed time management, choices, goals and priorities. I started going for outings again to the coast, a forest, farmers market and shopping. I found that after I had invested some time in my self care that care of the home seemed to come naturally. The mid week text was very helpful. I have browsed clothes, gone for Holistic treatments, met up with friends, looked at my finances. I have decided to take a break from social groups during August as Im currently enjoying myself. I have looked into a meditation class, activities at my local community centre and churches. I have identified daily positives and done regular affirmations. I have felt better during and since the coaching. I would definitley consider the Intensive coaching in the near future and I have my name done for the next Group coaching in September.
Thank you Jaime.

It has been great hasn't it?
From my perspective, it has been fantastic being part of your journey and watching you turn everything around. You have done amazing and I hope that you use the skills and tools that you have gained to keep moving forward and living your best life.
Looking forward to working with you again.