Judge.me Reviews

Based on 106 reviews
Remote cord cutting

I recently had 2 sessions of remote cord cutting with Jamie. I liked that I could book this on line. I know Jamie from Group coaching and 1 2 1 coaching. I had a lie down as though awaiting distant Reiki. It was just like receiving distant Reiki. I have had Cord cutting on a Friday evening which I thought was a good idea for a fresh start before the weekend to let go of the past and start a new. I did really feel the following day lighter and as though I had let go of the past. I thought this was appropriate for starting Life Coaching and moving forward with my goals. Thank you Jamie.

Distant Reiki

Hi there, I loved my Chakra flush. I liked that I could book it on line at a time that worked for me. I looked forward to it. I told my family about it. I enjoyed the rest. I lie down to receive Reiki. I saw purple and green which I thought was very healing. Jamie said she saw orange. I love Reiki and colour therapy. I love gifting it to my friends and family as well. Thank you love Alexandra


Thank you so much for the lovely review. I'm very pleased that you enjoyed it and look forward to the next time you book in.

Excellent tool

The Affirmations course is excellent.
Affirmations are one of the three major tools for gaining inner peace. 1) Affirmations replace negative thoughts. 2) Mantra like ‘Om Mane Padme Hum’ is tool 2, as mantra creates a ‘firewall’ against negativity. Tool 3 is meditation which is a time honored method to release old/held negativity. Thank you Jaime for creating the affirmation courses.

Power of positivity, starter guide

Hi, I did this course last Sunday evening and really enjoyed it. I know about the power of being positive however it is only recently that I have learnt about the difference between being positive and toxic positivity. Thank you Jaime

Hi Alexandra,
I'm genuinely happy to hear that you enjoyed the course and felt that you benefited from it. I am hoping to make and introduce lot's more courses over the coming weeks and months. Thank you so much for leaving a review, it means a lot.
Jaime x

Excellent clearing

Excellent session. The connection is very strong allowing for clearing of emotional blockages in energy fields. This greatly helps eliminate anger that used to be triggered from these blocks. Thank you. I am grateful for the work.

Thank you for the review Steve. I'm happy to hear that the sessions are working well for you. It is always a pleasure working with you! Keep smiling. Jaime

Distant Reiki

Hi, I love distant Reiki and gifting it to my friends if I hear that they are not well or having difficulties. Do you drop them a text when you send the Reiki? I find your rates are very reasonable. Thank you Alexandra M

Thank you for your review Alexandra

I don't generally contact the person if you gift reiki to them, I leave that to you as it's from you. However, I'm happy to contact the person if you would like, just let me know their email address or contact details in the order notes

March positive mindset group

I have had a challenging few weeks and Jaime's group and people in it helped me to keep focused and positive. Hi Aimee always checks in through private message to make sure you are ok. She is helpful, very caring and approachable. Thank you so much 🩷

That's very kind of you to say. Thank you. I'm still here if you need me, even when the coaching has ended!
You take care of yourself. Jaime x

Group Coaching

Love my experience with Jaime & thankful for her doing this. She has really helped me with changing my negative thoughts into positive thoughts. I highly recommend this to anyone who is struggling with being positive.

That is a lovely review. Thank you! It's been great having you take part and I truly hope that you join in again at some point in the future! Stay positive and you know where I am if you need me.
Jaime x

Empowering group

Thank you to Jaime for creating the Positive Mindset Group. Being in the group of positive minded people or those learning to be more positive, magnifies and frees this wonderful energy. The group is a very empowering experience.

Thank you so much for your lovely review. You have been an asset to the group and I am glad that you found it empowering! Hope you'll join in again another time or the individual coaching perhaps.
Keep smiling!

Great coaching, brings being positive to the forefront of your mind.

The group coaching is really good, it makes you much more mindful of seeing and thinking of positives throughout the day.

I would thoroughly recommend this coaching to help you be more positive, there is positively all around and the coaching helps you notice it.

Thank you so much for the lovely review. I appreciate your recommendation and hope to continue guiding you towards a more positive mindset in the future. You know where I am if you need me.

An essential service!

The chakra flush and balance helps remove blockages in energetic system. Especially when heart energy hits any blockage, the result is often negative thoughts. So this treatment is an essential part of the purification process.

Thank you for your kind words and positive review! I believe that removing blockages in the energetic system can greatly benefit one's overall well-being. Thank you again!

Soul cleansing experience

Wonderful group setting, so supportive and calming. I find communication quite difficult, Jaime is a wonderfully supportive person who helped me find some clarity during a difficult period and for that I am eternally grateful.

Thank you for your beautiful review! I'm so glad the program was helpful for you. Your kind words about the group and my communication mean a lot. If you need anything further, please reach out! x

Lady Warriors being Positive!

What a lovely experience to be able to listen to others and realize we are all struggling and just to tell someone Well Done, you Can Do It, and give the positivity back which then helps each other had lovely ladies in my group Whom were 100% truthful about the non positives and I think within the group we did a good job with Jamie's help to see the other side and it is their even without looking, well worth the small or large amount of time you put into it would recommend this course all day long Thank you Jamie 💫💫💞💞

Thank you for sharing your lovely experience! It's heartwarming to hear how the group's support and encouragement helped you lift each other up. Your kind words about the group's honesty and transformation highlight the power of positive community. I'm thrilled you found value in the program and encourage others to join!

Positive coaching Group

Well what can I say, jaime is a beautiful caring soul. Honestly she is a hidden gem and I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to be apart of her group. When I joined I was stuck in a rut of being negative and she has definitely helped me turn that around. When I was becoming withdrawn from the group due to personal issues. jaime picked up on this without me saying anything to her and reached out to me, then she took the time out to help me one on one and has helped me so much to continue to be positive regardless of my circumstances. I would definitely give jaimes coaching 5 out of 5, whether that be as a group or one on one. she's an absolute diamond. Thankyou so much for everything.

Wow, what a beautiful review! I'm truly touched by your kind words. Hearing I helped you turn your negativity around and supported you through personal challenges means a lot. Thank you for trusting me and sharing your journey. Keep smiling!

Positive thinking coaching is fantastic would recommend it to anyone.

I feel a lot better due to the positive thinking coaching offered, as it is great to also hear about others starting to feel better about things as this is what I like to hear. So therefore, I am looking to get another 4 week. I would give it 5 out of 5.

Thank you so much for your kind words and recommendation! It's always great to see my clients feeling better and more optimistic. Thank you for your 5 out of 5 rating, I truly appreciate it. Keep up the positive thinking!

A whole new world of thought patterns

When I had the opportunity to join the 4 week group I was unsure what to expect and slightly nervous too but Jaime put us in groups with likeminded people and they were such a friendly bunch of people. I struggled with being caught in a rut and my health issues made me very low feeling. In the group we not only had our own positives but getting to see others cheered me up and encouraged me to look for my own. I fully recommend you trying this if you are feeling stuck or suffering from no ooooomph as it has helped me immensely and I will be using the techniques we learnt in future x

Thank you for your positive review! I'm so glad to hear that the Positive Mindset Coaching program has helped you break out of your rut and find a more positive outlook. It's great to hear that you found support and encouragement from the other group members. I hope you continue to use the techniques you learned and see continued success in the future. Keep up the good work!

Positive coaching group

This group has help me be so much more positive about all sorts of things
I think differently now I do some things I never done before .
I love the breathing exercise .
Jamie is so good at making you see the positive where you don't see them .
I am so pleased I did this 4 week course .
I recommended if you are suggesting if your Struggling do this course its amazing.

Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to leave a review. I am so happy to hear that the Positive Mindset Coaching group has had such a positive impact on your life. My goal is to help people see the positives in all aspects of life and it brings me joy to know that I have helped you in that journey. Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to reach out if you need me. x

Positive coaching group

What can I say, well to be honest, two days in and I wanted to give up on it, it was out of my comfort zone and I wasn’t in the greatest place with my mental health but I stuck with it and I’m grateful I did. This group has changed the way I think, to look for positive things instead of dwelling on the negatives. I found it hard at first but as it went on, it become easier. I’m thankful to Jaime for asking me to participate in this, I can genuinely say I have benefited greatly from this. If your feeing stuck in life, it definitely worth giving this a go.

Hi there, thank you for your honest review of the group coaching. I'm are so glad that you stuck with it and have seen a positive change in your mindset. It takes courage to step out of our comfort zones, especially when dealing with mental health challenges. I'm proud of you for persevering and are grateful to have you as a member of our group. Keep up the great work and keep focusing on the positives! If ever you need a boost, maybe join the group again or go for a individual coaching top up.

A real positive outcome

I joined this group as I was inquisitive but also to see if I can pick up a few tips that may help me in the future. I am a positive person anyway so didn’t feel I particularly needed to attend this group however, I did pick up lots of advice on how to help others (family and friends) but it also gave me ideas on how to get through tough days and those everyday moments that inevitably do arise and just being aware and perhaps how to prevent myself from sinking too deep into those down days. I’m Jaime was so insightful and understanding. The techniques used are not hard work at all and you won’t feel overwhelmed. I highly recommend Jaime and her sessions to set you on the track of obtaining and/or maintaining a positive outlook.

Thank you for your lovely feedback! So glad you found the group helpful, both for supporting others and giving yourself a toolbox for those inevitable tough days. Thanks again for the kind words, it truly means a lot! Keep shining bright!


I am not usually a group sessions person, nor am I comfortable chatting in online groups. This however was the exception. Jaime and the people I was placed in a group with made this a positive learning experience. I have gained insight into behaviours that I wish to modify and how best to do so. Thank you jaime

So glad to hear you stepped outside your comfort zone and had a positive experience! Group sessions aren't for everyone, but it's awesome that you found value in this one. I want my group coaching to be enjoyable for all.
Sharing and learning from others is powerful stuff, and I'm happy the group helped you gain some insights you can use. Keep up the great work!


Great group sessions with lots of helpful tips support and guidance.
Helped to focus more on the positive things that happen in the day, whether that be big or small.
Jaime is an understanding and open communicator. Would definitely recommend!

Hey there!

Thanks so much for leaving such a kind review! I'm so glad you found the group sessions helpful and that they gave you a boost in focusing on the good stuff, big or small.
I really appreciate you mentioning my communication style too. Open and understanding is definitely what I strive for!
If you ever need anything else, don't hesitate to reach out. And hey, if you know anyone else who might benefit from the sessions, send them my way!

Positive coaching group

I was asked to be part of Jaimes group as I always seem to have some crisis happening either at work or home.
Jaime showed me ways of looking for the positives and not dwelling on the bad things that happen.
It's certainly worth trying if you're struggling with life.

Just wanted to say a HUGE thanks for leaving such a kind review about my group! I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience and I'm so glad you found it helpful.
Remember, life throws curveballs at all of us, but we don't have to catch them alone. If you ever need a reminder of the good stuff, I'm always here! x

Group coaching positivity

I joined a group coaching with Jaime and it came at the most perfect time for the little reminders and daily habits to take effect. Even when things were busy and hectic I could look for positives and be kind to myself. It something I would look into again in the future.

So glad to hear my group coaching came at the perfect moment for you Emma! Daily reminders and self-kindness are powerful tools, even in the midst of the hustle. It's fab that you were able to find positives even when things got hectic. If you ever feel the need for another dose of coaching, my website is always available! Thanks so much for the feedback, it truly means a lot.

Awesome group

Jaime runs a positive group for all members. I loved the feeling of belonging and positivity that I felt in the group.

Thanks so much for taking the time to leave such lovely feedback about the group. I'm really pleased that you felt a sense of belonging and positivity – that's exactly what I strive to create for everyone involved. It means a lot to know that it's having a real impact. Hope you will sign up for more coaching in the future.

Very Helpful

Having found myself in a bit of a rut of late, I thought to myself why not try something new!
I threw myself into the group coaching and really embraced it. Jaime was so supportive and helpful and having a group of other people to share the experience with was great - we all lifted each other up and worked hard to engage. I'd definately recommend this type of coaching to anyone curious - it really did help me!

So glad to hear the group coaching helped you bust out of that rut! It's amazing what a supportive community and a fresh perspective can do.
Seriously happy you embraced the experience and found value in it. That's what it's all about! And thanks for the kind words about me and the group – it means a lot!

If anyone else out there is feeling stuck, don't be shy, give it a try ;-)