
Reiki For Pets


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Animals, like humans, can experience stress and discomfort. This Reiki treatment aims to promote relaxation, alleviate anxiety, and support overall health.

This gentle energy therapy is suitable for pets experiencing a range of conditions, including anxiety, recovery from injury/surgery, or general unease such as moving to a new home, introducing a new pet etc. Reiki can assist in the reduction of physical discomfort and the promotion of emotional wellbeing.


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Berenice Y.

My old girl Beattie suddenly went lame on both back legs and I am sure this was due to a mini stroke. After a Reiki session and healing crystals she is now back to normal and I know this helped.

Ann S.
A great idea!

I'm sure it's helped Syd!

Cat/dog bite

My boy cat Merlot was bitten by something, either another cat or a dog and had a large wound on his backend.
I ordered a month's reiki to run along side the treatment he was receiving from the vets.
We ( Including the vets) could not believe how well and how quickly the bite healed up.