Jaime's Journal: Reiki, Life Coaching, and Finding Your Inner Peace

Proven health benefits of smudging

Jaime's Journal: Reiki, Life Coaching, and Finding Your Inner Peace

Proven health benefits of smudging

by Holistic Jay on Feb 22 2023
This simple ritual has many scientifically proven health benefits. These benefits include reducing stress, improving physical and mental health, and enhancing energy and vitality. It is a traditional way of cleansing and healing the body, mind, and spirit. The practice is also used to help purify and protect the home, as well as to cleanse the environment. It is believed that smudging helps to alleviate the symptoms of asthma and allergies, as well as improve the health of the respiratory system and the nervous system. Additionally, smudging helps to relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety, and anger.