Our bodies are incredible machines, capable of remarkable self-healing. But when things go wrong, we often turn to modern medicine for a quick fix. Pills, injections, surgery – they've revolutionised healthcare. But have we become too reliant on them?
The Covid-19 pandemic forced us all to confront some big questions. Should we trust the science behind the vaccine, or listen to those who questioned its safety? Did you get the jab? If so, how did you feel about it? Any side effects? And what about those who chose not to?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting we ditch modern medicine altogether. It's a lifesaver. But what about giving nature a chance first? Could we prevent a lot of illnesses simply by eating better, moving more, and managing stress?
Take diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. These conditions are on the rise. While medication helps manage them, could we be doing more to prevent them in the first place? What if we focused on teaching people about nutrition, exercise, and the importance of a good work-life balance? Could we reduce the need for pills in the long run?
It's a tricky balance. On one hand, we have the power of modern medicine to treat serious illnesses. On the other, we have the wisdom of traditional healing methods that focus on prevention.

Some people swear by alternative therapies like acupuncture, reiki, herbal remedies, or meditation. Have you tried any of these? Did they help?
And let's talk about the pharmaceutical industry. It’s a big business. Are they always acting in our best interests? Or are they more interested in profits? It’s a question worth considering.
So, what's the answer? Should we be popping pills for everything, or should we be heading back to nature? Perhaps the best approach is a combination of both. Use modern medicine when necessary, but prioritise prevention through lifestyle changes.
Please leave a comment with your thoughts and opinions and I will get back to you.